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TheArthur Wright


TheArthur Wright arrived in Oakland in the 1960's, just in time for the Summer of Love, the Black Panther Activity and the Civil Rights movement. While art has always been a part of his life, Wright worked as a writer and electrician before breaking into the art world when friends and family members began selling paintings, and he found that there was an enthusiastic market for his work.


Wright developed his own variation of pointillism using a toothpick or bamboo stick to apply dots of bleach to black paper. As the bleach reacts with the paper, golden specks appear, almost like glowing stars in a night sky. Wright describes the subject of his work as Afro-Futurism. In every piece he is celebrating the history and importance of Black Art, taking part in "the (un)covery, this (re)covery of history". TheArthur Wright continues to sell his work both in Oakland and around the world.

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